Education and Outreach

"People are Peopley": Key Concepts for Influencing Behavior from The Recycling Partnership

25 Feb 2021

Recycling is many things. It is both a noun and a verb. To a waste professional it may be the collection and diversion of tons of marketable materials. To community members, recycling is an easy way to waste less and to contribute to the greater good. When asked about recyclables, however, most mistakenly believe that anything with the chasing arrows should go in their bin.

AOR Board Members Take to the Streets with Fox News to Tackle Recycling Mistakes

2 May 2019


Oregon may have a great reputation for recycling, but that doesn’t mean everyone is doing it right.

Numbers show an average of 25 percent of recycling in the United States is garbage, according to the National Waste & Recycling Association.

In the Portland metro, about 9 percent of what’s in a homeowner’s recycling bin is usually trash, according to Metro.

Resources for Municipal Recycling Coordinators from The Recycling Partnership

4 Mar 2019

The Recycling Partnership has a lot of great resources to help promote your recycling programs, and get information out to your communities. 

Even better, they moderate a closed Facebook group specifically for waste diversion and recycling professionals to help share resources and ideas amongst your peers. Check out their tools below!

From The Recycling Partnership:

Looking for grab and go resources for your social media pages? We’ve got ‘em.

EPA Issues New Fact Sheet & Webinar Recording

28 Nov 2018

​New Fact Sheet:  Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) on Tribal Lands

This week, EPA released a fact sheet called Sustainable Materials Management on Tribal Lands: A Life-Cycle Approach to Managing Materials. This fact sheet is the first of its kind and it will introduce tribal governments, communities and individuals to the concept of Sustainable Materials Management, showcase tribal projects that have applied SMM principles and practices successfully and encourage tribes to consider this approach to their materials management work.

PSI's Safe Drug Disposal Portal Offers Resources for Starting Drug Takeback

5 Nov 2018
The Safe Drug Disposal Portal contains tools to help you start drug take-back programs, advocate for effective drug take-back laws, and educate residents about proper disposal practices. 
Most Americans are aware of the dangers posed by illegal drugs. But what about prescription drugs? And over-the-counter drugs? Not only do these types of medicine play a big role in today's drug abuse epidemic, but their disposal can also contribute to water contamination and can disrupt aquatic life.

Tackle Contamination Through Behavior Change

7 Sep 2018

If only changing behavior were as easy as raising awareness! We know that behavior can be trickier to achieve than awareness. But let’s start with a simple ask and recognize that effective communication for recycling behavior can tap into psychology, education and marketing insights. That's a lot of insights! Fear not - The Recycling Partnership has the tools to keep your messaging fresh.
