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New Member Spotlight - Simoan Waldron

Simoan Waldron

In what University/College are you currently enrolled, or if an Americorps Volunteer, where are you working/volunteering?
University of Oregon

Tell us about your major or current career path:
Environmental Studies

Are there any particular segments of the recycling/materials management industry that you would like to work in?
I am interested in community outreach and education as well as waste diversion.

Metro Hosts Live Q&A on Facebook

MetroMetro went live on Facebook on April 6, 2018 to answer the questions about recycling. In the 20-minute segment, Metro recycling experts Matt Korot and Patrick Morgan explained details on everything from what's going on in China and whether recyclables are going to landfills, to how to recycle plastics and where we could be headed in the future. 

NERC Workshop

Get Ready to Talk About Recycling Markets!

Come join the experts at NERC's Workshop and discuss strategies for strengthening existing markets and growing new markets for glass, compost, plastics, and paper.

Presenters include:

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections