2018 SWANA NW Symposium
2018 SWANA NW Symposium
This symposium attracts a large number of solid waste management professionals and operators, representing both public and private sector organizations from throughout the Pacific Northwest. This year, the Oregon Chapter is honored to host this event in its 33rd year by returning to McMenamins Edgefield April 18th through April 20th.
WRED EVENT ContaminationFest
ContaminationFest 2018
From Consumer to Bin to Truck to MRF
Thursday, March 29, 2018 | 8:30 AM - 3:45 PM
How to Beat Residential Recycling Contamination
On February 22, 2 - 3:30 eastern, the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) & the Northeast Waste Management Official’s Association (NEWMOA) will co-sponsor a webinar about contamination in residential recycling and how to avoid it.
This webinar will feature presentations by The Recycling Partnership.
On this webinar The Recycling Partnership will present:
Garten Services Community Jobs Luncheon
Please join us for Garten’s annual Community Jobs luncheon on February 23rd at 12 noon at Broadway Commons in Salem. (If you’ve already RSVP’d, thank you!)
Scientific tests prove HDPE can be recycled at least 10 times
Recycling Today reports HDPE can be recycled repeatedly, according to a study conducted by the Association of Plastics Recyclers and the American Chemistry Council.
Big Corporations Sign On to Revitalize North American Recycled Plastics Market
The Recycle Demand Champions initiative hopes to increase demand for post-consumer resin.
Changes on the horizon for recycling in Douglas County
Article from the Roseburg News Review; Photo taken by Michael Sullivan.
Finalization of China's National Sword Policy
A few articles about the January 11 finalization of China’s National Sword policy.
Resource Revival Wants Your Greasy Old Bike Chains!
The Mosier, Oregon, company collects used bike chains from bike shops throughout the western US.
Simply put old chains in a box and call or email with the weight when the box is full (20-50 pounds is ideal).
They will send UPS to pick up the box the next day.
Resource Revival recycles tons of used bike chain every year, upcycling them into everything from keychains to picture frames to medals for bike rides and races.