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PA ReMaDe Conference: Advancing Circular Economy

Offered by the Pennsylvania Recycling Markets Center, the PA ReMaDe Conference, themed Advancing Circular Economy, will be held September 18-19, 2019 at the Historic Hotel Bethlehem, Bethlehem, PA.

What is a circular economy? A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose) in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end of each service life. – WRAP UK

Oregon Drug Take-Back Bill Becomes Law

Press release from PSI and Oregon DEQ 

Pharmaceutical companies held responsible to collect unused medications

Portland, Oregon -- Oregon joined five states with a new law that requires drug manufacturers to pay for and run a statewide drug take-back program. The law, signed by Governor Kate Brown and championed by Representative Sheri Schouten, will ensure that every community in Oregon has free, convenient access to safe drug disposal. The law takes effect in September 2019 and the program must be operational by July 1, 2021.

Waste Management Division creates community collector program to help recycle plastic in Lane County

When more than a thousand cars showed up for the last plastic round up, the Waste Management Division was concerned about the carbon emissions created by the cars. In response, waste management specialist Sarah Grimm says they created a community collector program to encourage a few people to collect plastic for their entire neighborhood.


Companies plan investments in US recycled paper mills

The past week brought several significant recycled paper capacity announcements, indicating future domestic outlets for mixed paper and OCC.

  • Shipping pulp from Kentucky to China: A Chinese company that purchased a U.S. paper mill will install a 700,000-tons-per-year recycled pulp and paper operation, taking in mixed paper and OCC and shipping the output to China for packaging production.

Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy Webinar: Shining the Light on Solar Panel Recycling: A Status Update

The solar energy market has grown significantly in the past few years. With the increasing number of solar panels being sold and installed in the United States each year, solar panels are ending up in the waste stream as well. While solar panel recycling is not yet widespread in the United States, organizations are busy laying the important groundwork to build the necessary collection, management and recycling systems.

Welcome New AOR Member Frederique Lavios!

Please welcome Frederique to AOR! Read on to learn more about our newest member!

What is your name? Frederique (Fredde) Lavios

Where do you work and what do you do? Looking to make a career change (in the Portland Metro Area) in the field of environmental sustainabilityto serve the greater good. Currently working as a website designer and digital marketer, former licensed architect.

Tell us how you eMbrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace?

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