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Welcome New AOR Member Frederique Lavios!

Please welcome Frederique to AOR! Read on to learn more about our newest member!

What is your name? Frederique (Fredde) Lavios

Where do you work and what do you do? Looking to make a career change (in the Portland Metro Area) in the field of environmental sustainabilityto serve the greater good. Currently working as a website designer and digital marketer, former licensed architect.

Tell us how you eMbrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace?

  • Rather than dispose of an item our family considers can it be 1) fixed/reused, 2) upcycled and/or donated, 3) recycled/composted (if possible)
  • Items that don't qualify for curbside recycling are collected and brought to the proper recycling station
  • Reduce packing to begin with: We grow much of our own organic food and raise hens, reuse paper (double sided printing, use blank side for drafts)
  • Use 100% composted organic plant and chicken poop in our yard rather than purchasing commercial compost
  • Drive a Prius/combine vehicle trips/carpool
  • Buy gently used products rather than purchasing new ones when appropriate
  • Remodeled our house with natural, environmentally friendly and salvaged materials
  • Added high efficiency skylights for natural light
  • Used eco-friendly composite decking
  • Increased insulation in walls and ceiling
  • Installed tankless water heater
  • Installed low-flow shower heads and minimize shower time
  • Most of our plants are Oregon native or have low water requirements
  • We allow our lawns to brown in hot months by not watering them.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? Passionate about recycling/reusing/upcycling. Lifelong organic gardener and chicken farmer.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? An elephant, even though it is hunted and endangered. I admire their intelligence, fierce commitment to their herd, sensitivity and non-verbal communication.

How did you learn about AOR? Alex Bertolucci form the Washington Co. Waste and Recycling Dept.

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