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AOR seeks new legislative committee members

The Association of Oregon Recycler's Legislative Committee is recruiting new members!

The purpose of the committee, is to discuss materials management-related bills, provide feedback and make recommendations to the AOR Board to support, protest or remain neutral on bills introduced to the Oregon Legislature. The committee is comprised of 11 members and includes haulers, governments, consultants, processors/recyclers, businesses and non-profit representatives. There are currently 5 members of the committee with expired terms and we are seeking applications for the following spots:

Scrap plastic exports plummet 43% this year, paper stable

The latest figures indicate that the plastics recycling disruption is ongoing, and there are many indications the export situation will only experience more uncertainty. For instance, this decrease comes before the impact of the Basel Convention changes in scrap plastic shipping rules. And additional countries are publicly denouncing scrap plastic imports and calling for regulatory reform.

Research Aims to Help National Parks Reduce Amount of Visitor-Produced Waste

Research, performed by the Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism at Utah State University, looked at the waste disposal behaviors of visitors in Yosemite, Grand Teton and Denali national parks. “As we all know, national parks are busy places nowadays. Because of this increased visitor use, parks are trying to deal with more urban-type issues in relatively remote settings. This includes things like traffic, parking, and of course, waste management,” project lead Zach Miller said.

DEQ Materials Management Grants applications open until Oct. 4!

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality will award up to $600,000 in grants for projects that reduce the environmental impacts of materials and products across the full cycle. Local governments, nonprofit organizations and federally-recognized tribal nations are encouraged to apply. Funding for projects that prevent wasted food is also available to public schools, colleges and universities.

Welcome New AOR Member Oregon Wire

What is the name of your business or organization? Oregon Wire

What does your business/organization do? Oregon Wire has produced wire products for businesses throughout the Pacific Northwest since 1973. We have the industry's most diverse product line, specializing in Custom Fabrication, Yard & Garden, Baling Wire & Industrial Steel Wire, Commercial Growers and Wreath Rings & Accessories.

How did you learn about AOR? Through various customers within our industry.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

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Waste Connections