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Framework for Action Update - 2050 Vision for Materials Management in Oregon

In 2012, DEQ’s Environmental Quality Commission approved a statewide management plan for materials and waste called “Materials Management in Oregon: 2050 Vision and Framework for Action.” This plan establishes a comprehensive “vision” for how materials and waste are handled in the year 2050.

The vision states: “Oregonians in 2050 will produce and use materials responsibly—conserving resources, protecting the environment and living well.” The “framework” portion of the plan is a flexible platform with 60 un-prioritized actions that guide progress toward achieving the 2050 Vision. Materials Management staff are now updating the Framework for Action. 

This project will include a look back at accomplishments since 2012 and update the Framework for Action moving forward.


Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections