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Welcome New AOR Board Secretary Dan Bartholomew

Towards the end of 2019, AOR Secretary Gaelen McAlister resigned her position, as she was leaving Garten Services to pursue work in a new industry. The AOR Board solicited applications to fill the position, and Dan Bartholomew was appointed. Please join us in welcoming Dan to the Board!

What is your name? Daniel Bartholomew

Where do you work and what do you do? I'm the CEO of Free Geek, a non-profit technology refurbisher seeking to bridge the Digital Divide and include everyone in our digital future by providing all four pillars to the digital bridge spanning the divide: Education, a device (such as a laptop or desktop computer), internet access, and tech support at low or no cost in the Pacific Northwest.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably?The technology sector contributes substantially to our e-waste stream. To make one new laptop, requires over 4 tons of waste material. With an average turnover rate of 18 to 24 months, the "turned" equipment is practically new and very reusable. simultaneously 16% of America and 39% of rural America needs a device! That is millions of people out of our digital conversation. I want them to have voice, contribute, and gain by being able to participate.

If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? A dog, I would actually love to be a labradoodle. My Labradoodle simple gives, and seeks to give, joy, love and comfort every day and in every way they live.

How did you learn about AOR? Free Geek has been an active participant and supporter of AOR since our inception 20 years ago.


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