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The Recycling Steering Committee

The Recycling Steering Committee is meeting on Friday, January 17 to review preliminary results of collection infrastructure research and guide the next steps for analysis; follow up on equity discussions from the 12/17 meeting; and do final preparations for the 1/31 Information Session. The meeting agenda includes:

  • Infrastructure research scope, evaluation criteria and elements for analysis — RSC members will hear from the research team at Cascadia Consulting Group about the scope and timeline of the infrastructure research; review the evaluation criteria to be used in the analysis; and discuss elements for scenario-building in February. 
  • Equity in the recycling system — The RSC will debrief reading and videos related to equity that were assigned in advance of the meeting (see attachments). The group will discuss how to incorporate equity considerations into the design of a future system.
  • Stakeholder engagement update — The stakeholder engagement subcommittee will provide a brief update on outreach for the January 31 info session and other engagement efforts. 
  • Prep for January 31 info session
  • Public comment — Opportunity for non-Steering Committee members to share comments (time certain at 2:30 p.m.)

Interested parties may attend the meeting in person or via webinar. Download complete meeting materials in attachments or on our website here.

Meeting details:
Friday, January 17
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Oregon DEQ Headquarters
3rd Floor Conference Room
700 NE Multnomah Street, Portland, OR

Call-in option:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Dial: 669-900-6833
Meeting ID: 234-860-2747

Research and other information gathered during this process is expected to help the Steering Committee make recommendations in 2020 for a future recycling system. View the Steering Committee’s work plan here. For more information, visit:

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections