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AOR WEBINAR: Markets Panel

This panel is always a conversation starter and a cornerstone of the annual conference. Get insights from experts working in the recycling commodity markets every day.

Come join the experts as they discuss historic trends, domestic and global end markets, barriers, opportunities, and possible futures for plastics, metals, and fiber.

This webinar is part of AOR's virtual conference, Sustainable Oregon 2020. You can purchase individual webinars, a three-pack bundle, or save even more by registering for the entire series!

WEBINAR: What is the State of Sustainability in the State of Oregon?

Wow! What a title!! If that caught your attention then maybe you'll want to join us as we learn about some of the concrete steps our state government is taking to become more sustainable. Plus, we'll learn about the Oregon Sustainability Board and what their role is.

State Sustainability Officer (yes, there is one!) Dave Wortman will be our featured guest. Won't you sign up and join us?

This webinar is hosted by Marion County, Oregon.

WEBINAR: The Journey Toward Flexible Plastic Packaging Recovery

The US consumes approximately 12 BILLION POUNDS of flexible plastic packaging each year. FPP includes plastic films, wraps, bags, and pouches; it is one of the fastest-growing consumer packaging formats and has been a challenge to recycle. Until now.

A recent research pilot, sponsored by the Materials Recovery for the Future (MRFF) collaborative, confirmed that FPP can be sorted and recycled at a material recovery facility (MRF).

WEBINAR: New International Requirements for Exports and Imports of Plastic Recyclables

This webinar will explain the new international requirements for exports and imports of plastic recyclables or scrap. In May 2019, 187 countries decided to significantly restrict international trade in plastic scrap and waste to help address the improper disposal of plastic waste and reduce its leakage into the environment.

Welcome New AOR Member Paul Scott

What is your name? 

Paul ScottNew Member

Where do you work and what do you do? 

Retired. I worked in the recycling business in Eugene, OR from 1976-1986. After that, I worked in the visual effects industry for 20 years, and then transitioned into electric vehicles and solar energy. I write and speak about both even though I am long retired.

Arrow Parades Trucks for Three Year Old

Kamden Park, 2, has spent his summer riding his bike, jumping on his trampoline and swimming. His very favorite days, however, are the two times a week that Arrow Sanitary driver, Mark McKenzie comes by to pick up his family’s yard debris in Southeast Portland.

When Arrow Sanitary’s team found out that Kamden’s third birthday was coming up they decided to do something a little special for the very big fan. 

Read more at Arrow Sanitary

Changes coming to Wallowa county recycling center

Some changes for the better are coming to the recycling center in Enterprise, courtesy of the new Wallowa County Recycling Task Force.

On Monday, July 13, the volunteer group posted new, informative signs to help “customers” sort recyclables into the correct bins. The group has developed an informative brochure. They will have volunteer “recycling coaches” at the center during July to answer questions and provide assistance. And best of all, there will be prizes and prize drawings for recyclers.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor