Welcome New AOR Member Lincoln County Solid Waste District
What is the name of your business or organization? Lincoln County Solid Waste District
What does your business/organization do? Oversight of solid waste & sustainability programs in Lincoln County. Cooperative program between County, cities, franchised haulers, transfer stations, and forest landowners.
Welcome New AOR Member Colleen Johnston
What is your name? Colleen Johnston
Where do you work and what do you do? Clackamas County. I'm the Event Recycling Coordinator. I help event organizers and some year round events with borrowing ClearStream systems for collecting popcans and water bottles.
WEBINAR: Should Munis Get Back in the MRF Game?
The increased cost for recycling services has some municipalities wondering if they should operate their own MRF. The webinar will feature different MRF operating models, examples of municipalities considering operating their own MRF, and questions for informing the decision-making process before taking on this pivotal role in materials management. The webinar presenters include: Mitch Kessler, President of Kessler Consulting; Sarah Reeves, Executive Director of Chittenden Solid Waste District; and Rick Watson, Chief Executive Officer, Delaware Solid Waste Authority.
WEBINAR: Driving Recycling Markets - Introduction to the Government Recycling Demand Champion Program
Taking action to support the recycling industry is essential - especially these days. A new national program, the NERC-APR Government Recycling Demand Champion Program, provides a simple strategy for closing the loop by buying products with post-consumer plastic recycled content. Presenters will be: Ali Briggs-Ungerer, Association of Plastic Recyclers and Lynn Rubinstein, Program Manager of the Government Recycling D
WEBINAR: Container Deposit Laws - Taking their Effectiveness to the Next Level through Global Best Practices
Container deposit laws received renewed attention during the COVID-19 pandemic as many states suspended, or suspended enforcement, of their so-called bottle bill laws. At the same time, there are several initiatives examining how to expand the impact and of bottle bill laws and looking for best practices. This unique webinar, co-sponsored by NERC and NEWMOA, will examine this research and proposals. Presenters will be Mike Noel, TOMRA; Susan Collins, Container Recycling Institute; and Sarah Edwards, Eunomia.
WEBINAR: Driving Recycling Markets - Introduction to the Government Recycling Demand Champion Program
Taking action to support the recycling industry is essential - especially these days. A new national program, the NERC-APR Government Recycling Demand Champion Program, provides a simple strategy for closing the loop by buying products with post-consumer plastic recycled content. Presenters will be: Ali Briggs-Ungerer, Association of Plastic Recyclers and Lynn Rubinstein, Program Manager of the Government Recycl
WEBINAR: National Zero Waste Virtual Conference
The National Recycling Coalition is organizing the all-virtual National Zero Waste Conference on December 1-3, 2020. This conference will be a great 3-day educational and networking event. Day 1 focuses on Zero Waste Businesses, day 2 focuses on Zero Waste Communities, and day 3 is the National Recycling Congress. You won't want to miss the latest Zero Waste information and this networking event.
AOR New Member Spotlight: Meet Lily Todd
What is your name? Lily Todd
Where do you work and what do you do? Currently an unemployed teacher
Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? I am a Master Recycler so I embrace it everywhere... I have created programs at schools and most recently work with Gimre's Shoes to help where I can with sustainability.
WEBINAR: Implementing Zero Waste on Campuses and in Businesses
Adopting a formal Zero Waste goal and action plan is a watershed moment for a large organization’s waste reduction program. They mark the point where a university, corporate, or other type of large institution sets a course moving beyond a simple waste management program toward a sustainable materials management system rooted in the circular economy. Of course, goals and a plan are just the starting point. The next challenge is to implement them.
WEBINAR: Voluntary Initiatives Driving the Use of Minimum Recycled Content in Products & Packaging
Increasingly, brands are making commitments to increased use of recycled content in products and packaging. This free NERC/NEWMOA webinar will explore those commitments, available recycled plastic to meet those goals, and strategies for success. Speakers will be: Steve Alexander, President, Association of Plastics Recyclers; Sarah Dearman, VP of Circular Ventures, the Recycling Partnership; and Pete DePasquale, Vice President, Government & Regulatory, Nestle Waters North America.