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Welcome New AOR Member Paul Scott

What is your name? 

Paul ScottNew Member

Where do you work and what do you do? 

Retired. I worked in the recycling business in Eugene, OR from 1976-1986. After that, I worked in the visual effects industry for 20 years, and then transitioned into electric vehicles and solar energy. I write and speak about both even though I am long retired.

Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? 

I began collecting aluminum cans to recycle in the early 70s in San Antonio, TX. After moving to Eugene in 1975, I got a job with BRING Recycling, at the time a three-year-old postconsumer recycling outfit with an elderly woman named Alice Soderwall as the matriarch. I worked with BRING for many years and then moved over to Manasha Paper Recycling, which was sold to Weyerhauser. I did paper recycling until 1986 when I transitioned to visual effects.

Some time in the late 70s, I met Jerry Powell and a bunch of others in Portland, Salem, and Corvallis and we formed AOR. I was the first membership person, although I was not cut out for the job. We tried.

What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? 

Sadly, I'm old enough now to be witness to the decline of the United States, and to the massive changes to our climate which are just now starting to be felt. While the s**t storm that is coming cannot be stopped, our efforts will serve to mitigate some of the harm coming our way.

How did you learn about AOR? I helped form the group.

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