Free CBSM Training for Environmental Professionals - Applications Due 4/9
What is Community Based Social Marketing?
To date, most programs to promote behavior change have relied upon disseminating information. Research demonstrates, however, that simply providing information has little or no effect on what individuals or businesses do. But if not ads, brochures or booklets, then what? Community-based social marketing has emerged as an effective alternative for fostering behaviors that protect the environment and promote health and safety.
"People are Peopley": Key Concepts for Influencing Behavior from The Recycling Partnership
Recycling is many things. It is both a noun and a verb. To a waste professional it may be the collection and diversion of tons of marketable materials. To community members, recycling is an easy way to waste less and to contribute to the greater good. When asked about recyclables, however, most mistakenly believe that anything with the chasing arrows should go in their bin.
Pandemic e-commerce drives mill’s recycled packaging
A Pacific Northwest paper mill has begun producing new grades of paper made from recovered fiber, a response to changing end markets and growing customer interest in recycled content.
Inland Empire Paper Company recently announced the new packaging sheet made from 100% recycled fiber and lightweight bagstock paper made from at least 30% recycled fiber.
The products will lead to an uptick in recovered material consumption at the Spokane, Wash.-area pulp and paper mill, which has long used recovered fiber but has used less over the years due to quality concerns.
Meet New AOR Member Linda Brewer
What is your name? Linda Brewer
Where do you work and what do you do? Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Technical Writer and Project Manager
Sustainable Oregon 2021 Request for Session Proposals - due June 30th
AOR is pleased to announce that Sustainable Oregon 2021 will be held on October 20-22, 2021. We are seeking passionate and effective storytellers who would like to share their innovations, solutions, and stories of change. The annual AOR conference is an opportunity for new and old colleagues in the recycling, waste prevention and sustainable materials management industries to connect about ideas, learn what’s on the horizon, and be inspired.
Meet New AOR Member Kirsten Murray
What is your name? Kirsten Murray
Where do you work and what do you do? I work in IT Project Management by day...
Support AOR & Small Business in 2021
We want to thank all our members who attended our first virtual 2020 Sustainable Oregon Conference, and who tuned into the AOR 2021 Legislative Preview on January 19th, 2021.
AOR 2021 Legislative Update
The 2021 Legislative Session is one of the busiest in recent memory. There are several pieces of legislation that AOR's Legislative Committee has already made recommendations on to the AOR Board. As of today, here is the list of bills that AOR will support or oppose. This is only a partial list of proposed legislation that impact our industry this session. The AOR Legislative Committee will continue to monitor other bills and provide additional recommendations as those bills make their way through committees througout the session.
Coalition outlines federal government’s role in improving recycling
The Recycling Leadership Council (RLC) hosted an online press conference Feb. 4 to introduce its “Blueprint for America’s Recycling System,” which outlines areas where the federal government can assist with strengthening the recycling system in the United States. U.S. policymakers also joined the RLC on the call.
Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy Webinar: Material Characterization and Economic Impacts of Recycling - 2020 Reports
In 2018, the United States generated more than 292 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW).