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Free CBSM Training for Environmental Professionals - Applications Due 4/9

What is Community Based Social Marketing?  
To date, most programs to promote behavior change have relied upon disseminating information. Research demonstrates, however, that simply providing information has little or no effect on what individuals or businesses do. But if not ads, brochures or booklets, then what? Community-based social marketing has emerged as an effective alternative for fostering behaviors that protect the environment and promote health and safety. 

Dr. Doug McKenzie-Mohr will be delivering a free, EPA-hosted introductory community-based social marketing training virtually on May 11-13. This introductory workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to community-based social marketing and how it is being applied throughout the world to foster  behavior change. Those who attend the workshop will learn the five steps of community-based social marketing (selecting behaviors, identifying barriers, developing strategies, conducting pilots, and broad scale implementation) and be exposed to numerous case studies illustrating its use.  Participants will receive an electronic copy of the third edition of “Fostering Sustainable Behavior" as well as a certificate of completion. Community-based social marketing is a unique approach to fostering both environment and health-related behavioral changes and is now being utilized globally. For more information, visit:  

Training dates and times: 

  • May 11, 12 and 13 from 12:30pm-4:30pm (Pacific Time)  
  • Please note there will be a 60-minute follow-up on Monday, May 17th to consult with Dr. McKenzie-Mohr. That timing will depend on a project category that you select. 

Workshop Audience:  This training is for environmental and sustainability professionals including members of EPA Region 10 and our Region 10 partner federal, state, tribal, and local governments, and non-profit organizations. We are especially interested in participants from the pollution prevention and sustainable materials management fields. 

Registration Information: We will have limited space for this workshop. To apply, please complete this form, including a short description of your project idea. We will review your application and let you know if you are eligible to join: Applications are due by Friday, April 9th.

Questions? Please contact Kat Compton ( or Theresa Blaine ( 

About the Speaker 
For over three decades Dr. McKenzie-Mohr has been working to incorporate scientific knowledge on behavior change into the design and delivery of community programs. He is the founder of community-based social marketing and the author of three books on the topic. One of these books has been recommended by Time Magazine and become requisite reading for those who deliver programs to protect the environment.  His work has been featured in the New York Times and he is the recipient of the American Psychological Association’s inaugural award for innovation in environmental psychology and the World Social Marketing conference’s inaugural award for contributions to the field of social marketing.  


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