Make a Nomination for the Recycler of the Year Awards
The 2015 AOR Conference in Bend is just around the corner and we are seeking nominations for our Recycler of the Year awards. Each year AOR selects individuals and organizations that have made exceptional contributions to recycling and waste prevention efforts in Oregon. The winners will be presented with their awards at the Sustainable Oregon Conference in Bend.
The Right to Repair - Sustainable Oregon 2015 Keynote
What if everyone had free access to a repair manual for everything they owned? How much longer would our things last? Kyle Wiens started iFixit with the goal of providing people the knowledge and encouragement they need to make their things work as long as possible. He believes that making repair accessible to everyone is the best shot we’ve got at reducing e-waste and starting to make our high-tech lives sustainable. We can’t keep throwing away cell phones every 18 months!
AOR Sends Letter to DEQ Urging Resolution to Port Dispute
As many of you know, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the Pacific Maritime Association have been engaged in heated contract negotiations since May 2014. The dispute has caused major delays in cargo shipments along the West Coast, including those carrying recycled materials.
Upcycle Oregon Seeks Art and Fashion Submissions
Upcycle Oregon is now accepting submissions of art and upcycled fashion for their 2015 event.
Greener Grads and Oregon Green Schools to Promote Reuse of Graduation Gowns
Starting this January, a partnership between Greener Grads and Oregon Green Schools aims to reuse, repurpose, and recycle gently used graduation gowns across the state.
E-Scrap 2015
Entering its 13th year, E-Scrap 2015 is where the electronics recycling industry meets. With last year’s conference brining in over 1,300 attendees from more than 35 countries, this year’s conference will offer a bustling exhibit hall, tear-down demos, and an exhilarating series of presentations, sessions, and Q and A’s featuring the leading industry executives and associations. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet new faces, close deals, and hear the information you need to know to keep your business ahead of the rest.
Resource Recycling Conference
The Resource Recycling Conference is the must-attend conference for the recycling industry’s most influential policy leaders, CEOs, and government officials. The conference, now entering its sixth year, is your opportunity to network with clients, prospective partners, vendors, and top materials management decision-makers all in one location, saving you precious time and travel expenses. The conference's lineup of education sessions will offer attendees the latest on materials processing trends, tactics to boost diversion rates, legislative talking points, market analysis, an
Plastics Recycling 2015
Entering its 10th year, Plastics Recycling 2015 is the exclusive gathering for plastics recycling professionals from around the world. With last year’s conference bringing in 1,775 attendees from more than 30 countries, this year’s show has added exhibitor space to keep up with demand and an exhilarating series of presentations, sessions, and Q and A’s featuring leading industry executives, reclaimers, and associations. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to meet new faces, close deals, and hear the information you need to know to keep your business ahead of the rest.
AOR Conference Committee Meeting
Participation in AOR committees is open to members only. Please contact Fred Stemmler, AOR's Conference Chair, for more info on the Conference Committee.