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Take a virtual tour of one of the most advanced C&D recycling operations in the U.S.

Cost: $79.00


Zanker Recycling began operations of the Zanker Road Landfill in 1985 with only five (5) years of landfill capacity remaining; increased its life to 26 years by focusing on and, in some cases, inventing recycling equipment and methods. As one of the most advanced C&D recycling operations in the United States, the facility is continually enhancing its operations.

Webinar participants will take a virtual tour of the recycling facilities. This includes:

  • Zanker’s newly constructed demolition recycling operation
  • Wood waste processing area
  • Asphalt shingles recycling operation
  • A concrete recycling operation that processes concrete, brick, asphalt, and toilets
  • The facility’s 260 foot long C&D Sorting Line that processes an extensive amount of construction wastes
  • Secondary recycling operations for mulch colorization
  • A recycled materials yard where customers can purchase recycled hardscape and landscape products
  • A new shredding operation, which is reprocessing all the residuals from all recycling operations

The webinar will include a discussion about the Zero Waste Energy Development Company (ZWEDC) whose goal is to take organics recovery to the next level and capture the energy value of food discards. Zanker Recycling and GreenWaste Recovery, Zanker Recyling’s sister company, formed ZWEDC. ZWEDC is the first commercial scale dry fermentation anaerobic digestion facility in the U.S. and is the largest facility of its kind in the world. The facility processes up to 90,000 tons per year of organic waste, generating approximately 1.6KW of clean green renewable power. The webinar will also share details on aspects of Zanker’s highly effective strategy to develop feedstock suppliers and end markets. 

Webinar attendees can expect to learn more about:

  • How government can help promote an industry by mandating recycling
  • How a recycler can customize its business to direct sales
  • How marketing of your recycling business doesn’t have to be difficult to achieve great results

Speaker: Michael Gross - Director of Sustainability - Zanker Recycling

Michael Gross has been in the waste and recycling industry since 1979. In 2012, Mr. Gross was named the Director of Sustainability for GreenWaste and the Zanker family of companies. This newly created position allows him to coordinate and institutionalize sustainability efforts across divisions and among business relationships. He focuses on greenhouse-gas emissions reductions, procurement opportunities, C&D diversion opportunities, waste management and recycling alternatives and marketing, and energy and water conservation programs. He provides leadership to reach the company’s environmental goals, advocates the transformation of the waste industry and works with the communities to integrate sustainability into their daily lives. His current responsibilities also include managing the C&D operations at the Zanker Facilities in San Jose.



Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor