AOR Blog


Don’t miss Thursday night’s Repair Cafe in the Exhibit Hall. This event is hosted by Repair PDX, recipient of the Association of Oregon Recyclers’ 2015 Alice Soderwall Reuse & Waste Prevention Award. Repair PDX formed in 2013 to bring repair events to Portland residents. Inspired by the Netherlands’ Repair Cafes, this group...


The AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Pre-Conference Tours are Wednesday, June 8th from 8:30am - 12:00pm


The AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Pre-Conference Tours are Wednesday, June 8th from 8:30am - 12:00pm

Click here to register for the conference and tours!

Join us on a tour of Oregon’s first state-of-art plastic bottle recycling facility. ORPET, partnering with OBRC and Merlin Plastics, was designed and built to...


The AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Pre-Conference Tours are Wednesday, June 8th from 8:30am - 12:00pm

Click here to register for the conference and tours!

The Metro Central Hazardous Waste Facility is one of two permanent facilities operated by Metro that handle a wide variety of hazardous wastes from household and...


The AOR Sustainable Oregon 2016 Pre-Conference Tours are Wednesday, June 8th from 8:30am - 12:00pm

Click here to register for the conference and tours!

Rebuilding Center/Community Warehouse Tour Description:

If you are passionate about reuse, join us...
