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AOR Member Recognized at Mid-Valley Green Awards

Judy Skinner,long-time AOR member and dedicated recycler, was recently named "Recycler of the Year" at the Mid-Valley Green Awards.

Judy has been a volunteer for Marion County for about 17 years, completed the Master Recycler class and contributed more than 300 hours of volunteer payback hours.

She volunteers on the Solid Waste Management Advisory Council, helps at household hazardous waste collection events and composter sale days, encourages reuse and repair at the County's Repair Fairs, and assists local businesses to expand their existing recycling programs.

From rescuing books and 3-ring binders to rounding up plastic bags for the Sleeping Bag Project to connecting businesses with materials that are often thrown away to working with restaurants and events to donate food to the Union Gospel Mission, Judy is tireless in her efforts to promote reuse.

“She leads by example and is an inspiration not only to the other volunteers and public but also to those of us in (Marion County’s) Environmental Services,” according to the nomination.

Congratulations, Judy!

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