Member News

Oregon DEQ Releases 2014 Oregon Material Recovery and Waste Generation Rates Report

28 Dec 2015

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality released its 23rd annual report on municipal post-consumer (residential and commercial) material recovery and waste generation in Oregon.

DEQ analyzed detailed annual surveys and disposal reports to compute waste recovery amounts for 2014 and estimated energy savings and greenhouse gas benefits from that waste recovery.

Metro’s Scott Klag Receives “2015 Loyal Steward Award” at the 2015 U.S. Product Stewardship Forum

23 Dec 2015

In honor of its 15th anniversary, the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) hosted its 2015 National Forum on December 8-9 in Boston, Massachusetts. Environmental experts from around the United States, Europe, and Canada gathered to discuss issues related to zero waste, product stewardship, and the circular economy.
