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Metro’s Scott Klag Receives “2015 Loyal Steward Award” at the 2015 U.S. Product Stewardship Forum

In honor of its 15th anniversary, the Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) hosted its 2015 National Forum on December 8-9 in Boston, Massachusetts. Environmental experts from around the United States, Europe, and Canada gathered to discuss issues related to zero waste, product stewardship, and the circular economy.

As a part of PSI’s anniversary celebration, the organization honored key leaders from industry, government, and organizations that have played a significant role in moving the product stewardship movement forward throughout the last 15 years.

During this celebration, Scott Klag, Senior Planner for Oregon Metro Regional Government, was awarded the “2015 Loyal Steward Award” for 15 years of dedicated service to the national non-profit. As a member of PSI’s first Board of Directors, Klag has offered invaluable guidance and support since the organization’s inception. Klag played a vital part in PSI’s national paint and electronics projects; with his expertise, Oregon became the first state to pass a paint stewardship law in 2009. This product stewardship practitioner also helped pass the state’s electronics take-back law, and he is now leading a national effort with PSI to safely manage household hazardous waste through an innovative producer responsibility system.

PSI is incredibly grateful for Klag’s longstanding commitment to passing effective EPR laws, implementing successful take-back programs, and pointing the organization in the right direction for 15 years.

This press release was provided by PSI.

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