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September BottleDrop Blue Bag Challenge!

Phil Torchino, founder of Bend area recycling company, The Broomsmen, challenges AOR members to match his BottleDrop donations to AOR.

Phil collected and redeemed over 2,335 bottles and cans in June and July with all the money going to AOR!

During the month of September, the AOR membership is hereby challenged to beat Phil's donation - that's over 30 bags! .

Luckily, donating your bottles and cans to AOR has never been easier with BottleDrop's Blue Bag Fundraising!

Step 1: Request an AOR coded blue bag from Alex, AOR's Fundraising Chair, or Amy, AOR's Resource Director.

Step 2: Fill your blue BottleDrop bags with deposit bottles and cans.

Step 3: Drop off your filled blue bag at your nearest BottleDrop location, which you can find here.

It's that easy! Be sure and send us a picture, or tag us on Facebook of your donation/dropoff so we can highlight your efforts on our social media pages and upcoming blog!


Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

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Waste Connections

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