AOR Blog


The AOR Board recently completed their annual retreat. We participated in an exercise to understand who we are as an association and how we see ourselves working together over the next year. Here’s a statement that reflects some of the ideas and words that were expressed in that exercise:

The Board of the Association of...


The Association of Oregon Recyclers has been a continuous advocate for Oregon's Bottle Bill. In the 2011 legislative session, AOR worked side by side with many organizations to help modernize the state's redemption law with three goals in mind. 

Reduce consumer confusion and increase Oregon’s recycling rates by including...

Product Stewardship Institute Launches Toolkit to Facilitate National Phone Book Opt-Out Campaign

The Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) launched a Phone Book Opt-Out Toolkit to help state and local government officials, environmental organizations, and community leaders run simple, effective outreach campaigns to...


Approximately $1.2 million in grant funding will soon be available to projects supporting local solid and household hazardous waste planning, prevention and recovery.

The grants will be available through the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s 2016 Materials Management program grant round. Last year, the program...


In 2011 the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 3145, which requires that if, beginning in 2014, the redemption rate of Oregon Bottle Bill containers falls below 80% for two consecutive years, the 5 cent deposit shall increase to 10 cents.

Today, the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) reported a rate below 80% for...
