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Lifetime Achievement Award: Cloudburst Recycling

Cloudburst RecyclingThis award was given to Cloudburst Recycling in recognition of their many years as a leader in recycling in Portland. David and Michela McMahon started a curbside collection program in 1975. They were among the first in the nation to do so. After 17 years of operation and political activism, the City of Portland adopted a citywide recycling program in 1992.

Cloudburst experimented with food waste composting every chance they could. They helped to implement the residential franchise for Portland. David helped establish a Recycling collection haulers’ co-op (Eastside Recycling) and Materials Recovery Facility (ORS) to sort recyclables - both jointly owned by local haulers.

They established a plastics recycling program for Nature’s Foods, a precursor to New Seasons. Their Cloudburst facility has a large solar array, and they collect and process waste cooking oil as a feedstock for clean-burning biodiesel. David served on the Association of Oregon Recyclers board, and on countless public committees and task forces.

Cloudburst provided leadership and innovation in recycling and waste reduction for Portland. They endeavored to provide considerate, honest, quality service to their customers, and maintained a strong commitment to recycling and environmental responsibility. 

Cloudburst Recycling helped shaped Portland recycling and their accomplishments deserve to be recognized!


Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor