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AOR Supports Oregon's Bottle Bill

The Association of Oregon Recyclers has been a continuous advocate for Oregon's Bottle Bill. In the 2011 legislative session, AOR worked side by side with many organizations to help modernize the state's redemption law with three goals in mind. 

  • Reduce consumer confusion and increase Oregon’s recycling rates by including sports drinks, juice, and similar non-carbonated drinks under the Bottle Bill;
  • Establish an annual beverage container return rate goal of at least 80% beginning in 2015.  Oregon’s beverage container recycling rate has exceeded 90% in the past, but in recent years has fallen below 80%;
  • If the rate is not met, increase the public’s incentive to recycle beverage containers by changing the container refund value from 5 to 10 cents.

Though Oregonians are active recyclers, the redemption rate was 68.26% in 2014 and 64.45% in 2015, triggering an increase in the refund value to 10¢ effective April 1, 2017. 

Continuing its longstanding support of the Bottle Bill, the AOR board has issued the following statement:

“Oregonians can proudly say that in addition to recycling at home and work, the bottle bill is an element of our state’s innovative recycling and composting system. Since 1972, the bottle bill has served as the foundation of sustainable materials management in Oregon.

The trending decrease in the percentage of bottles returned has triggered an increase to a 10 cent refund per bottle, which is designed to further incentivize recycling of redeemable beverage containers.

The Association of Oregon Recyclers is hopeful that the adjusted bottle bill, as well as other recycling services throughout the state will continue to increase the amount of recyclable materials that are used for new products and upstream markets.”


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