PA ReMAde LiveTalk: Insights into Circularity
Webinar: EarthWISE Lunch & Learn
Are you ready to learn how Marion County's unique solid waste system (that's garbage; recycling; composting, etc.) works? Then sign up today for a free, half-hour webinar where you'll learn where your waste goes, what happens to it, and how we work to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible before it ends up as garbage.
Free Webinar: Recycled Paper Commodities Markets Update
Presenter: Megan Workman, Price Reporter/Editor, Fastmarkets RISI
Plastic bags continue to complicate curbside recycling
Plastic film has long been identified as a major contaminant in municipal materials recovery programs. Research from the West Coast shows just how challenging it has been to educate residents around proper bag behavior.
As Recycling Dwindles, Supply Chains Are Buckling
When stay-at-home orders shuttered offices across the U.S. last month, one industry was especially hard hit: toilet-paper makers. Just as consumer demand for their product surged during the lockdown, they lost access to the cheap recycled office paper that’s typically used to make toilet rolls. That induced some of the world's biggest makers to switch to pulp sourced directly from trees, adding significant costs and harming the environment.
The Recycling Partnership releases West Coast Study
According to a study from The Recycling Partnership, large and mid-sized cities in California see an average contamination rate of around 20%, a finding that underscores the complications of aligning enthusiastic residents with local-program realities.
The Recycling Partnership, an organization that is backed by corporate stakeholders and is geared toward improving municipal recycling in the U.S., undertook research in 2019 to better understand material quality in communities of 50,000 people or more in California, Oregon and Washington.
Welcome New AOR Member Celeste Lewis
What is your name? Celeste Lewis
Where do you work and what do you do? I am an Architect and I work for myself at the moment
Tell us how you enbrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? I'm a master recycler and a recycling geek.
What motivates you to recycle and live sustainably? my child
As Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) takes hold around the world, the demands on organizations that manage complex recovery and recycling programs, like producer responsibility organizations (PROs) and government-run stewardship programs, grow more numerous each year. To meet the demands of these complex circular supply chains, PROs and other stewardship organizations need better tools— ones that are specifically designed for them and their programs.
(EPR) model approach by Resa Dimino and Bryce Hesterman of RRS
Recycling has been the subject of many negative headlines over the past two years: “The World’s Recycling is in Chaos;” “RIP: Recycling is Dead as We Know It;” “Recycling is a Waste.” The list goes on. Of the communities surveyed in The Recycling Partnership’s 2019 “The State of Curbside Recycling” report, more than 50 have canceled their recycling programs, and 29 percent have stopped collecting certain items.
EPA’s Northwest Regional Food Recovery Challenge Winners Both Oregon-Based this Year
The scope and scale of the food waste challenge in America is daunting. Recognizing the gravity, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, through its EPA’s Food Recovery Challenge program, is encouraging and empowering local programs to craft local solutions to this pervasive problem. EPA is incentivizing participation in the program by showcasing local food waste prevention champions, both nationally and regionally.