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As Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) takes hold around the world, the demands on organizations that manage complex recovery and recycling programs, like producer responsibility organizations (PROs) and government-run stewardship programs, grow more numerous each year. To meet the demands of these complex circular supply chains, PROs and other stewardship organizations need better tools— ones that are specifically designed for them and their programs. Current systems fall short as government regulators, consumers, and manufacturers are demanding greater transparency in the chain of responsibility for the materials they are collecting, increased financial transactions with vendors, and irrefutable data integrity.

Canadian software company Diversys has developed DiversysPRO, a workflow software solution specifically designed to address the challenges of the recycling industry, particularly under EPR systems. PSI and Diversys have teamed up to provide this highly practical webinar, which will explore the factors driving the need for more and better data, including supply chain management, financial responsibility, regulatory compliance, and environmental challenges. We will also hear from Saskatchewan Used Oil Management Association about their technological efforts to close the gaps in material flows data, including mobile data acquisition and integration across data platforms, a necessary step to a circular supply chain. This webinar continues PSI’s global conversation about EPR and the circular economy.

This event is also referred to as "Software Solutions that Set the Global Circular Economy Spinning."

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Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections