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Recycling Markets Update from DEQ

From DEQ Materials Management December Newsletter

​DEQ is continuing to convene meetings with local governments, collectors, processors, Oregon Refuse and Recycling Association and Association of Oregon Recyclers to address major recycling markets disruptions stemming from China’s severe import restrictions on recyclable mixed paper and plastics. These partners and communities across Oregon are working hard to continue to recycle as much as possible, but where options for recycling have been exhausted or costs prohibitive, DEQ has temporarily concurred on 12 requests for disposal.

Beyond creating short-term solutions, DEQ and partners are exploring mid-term solutions, such as finding new processing capacities and markets. Additionally, DEQ and partners have started scoping the longer-term planning needed to upgrade Oregon’s recycling systems – this includes an ongoing stakeholder process – with the 2050 Vision as our guide. The goal of the longer-term plan is to design recycling systems that support our collective success in reducing impacts across the entire life cycle of materials.

Find more information about the recycling markets issue here. 

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