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EPA Webinar: Small Format Batteries: Education and Outreach

Please join the EPA from 2:00 to 4:00 PM EDT for a virtual meeting designed to share information from states, Tribes, municipal governments, associations, and industry representatives on effective public outreach and education efforts that promote the proper management of used small format consumer batteries and battery-containing electric products. We will discuss the components of campaigns including messaging, materials, and outlets/mechanisms.

Making the Honor Role with K-12 Waste Reduction

This webinar, presented by Busch Systems, will focus on waste reduction at K-12 schools with case study presentations from three communities. In addition to a general overview of local waste and diversion programs, the presentations will spotlight student engagement and education strategies as well as efforts to prevent and recover food-related waste, including converting cafeterias to reusable trays. Two of our speakers will additionally share the perspective of county governments working to support and coordinate waste reduction with area schools.

What You Will Learn

DEQ PRO Comment Period Extended

In response to a request received from an interested party, DEQ has extended the public comment period for the first draft PRO program plan submitted by CAA from 40 days to 61 days. The new deadline for comments is May 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. PDT. The extension will allow interested parties more time to review the plan while also ensuring that public comments are received with enough time for DEQ to consider them when formulating recommendations to the prospective PRO.

Welcome New AOR Member - Ground Score


What is the name of your business or organization? 
Ground Score Association

What does your business/organization do? 
Ground Score Association is an association of informal recyclers, waste pickers, canners, dumpster divers, and other environmental workers who create and fill low-barrier waste management jobs in Portland, Oregon.

WEBINAR: Rebuilding Confidence in Recycling

Recent surveys have reinforced something many of us are hearing from the public: a growing skepticism that items placed in recycling bins actually get recycled. Fed by negative media stories and confusion about the recycling process, these perceptions present a very real risk that people will stop making the effort to sort their waste. The good news is that we can reinforce public confidence of recycling through effective outreach.

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor