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China's Policy Change Poses Challenges for Recycling Oregon Plastics

plasticChina's recent decision to no longer accept post-consumer plastics has left local recyclers facing a serious challenge.

Oregon currently doesn't have a facility designed to separate plastics from the other materials collected.

Denton Plastics in Northeast Portland accepts plastics, but the material comes in separated from commercial and industrial sources, like grocery chains and nurseries.

Nicole Janssen, President of Denton Plastics, said they are interested in potentially expanding their operations to also process post-consumer plastics, but the threat that China could eventually reverse its policy and undercut local processors is a deterrent.

"Until we find a solution to that and have all the different parties agree for it to stay in the state and be manufactured here and create jobs here, we're not going to have anybody that's going to step up to the plate," Janssen said.

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