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Webinar: ​National Survey of Over 1,000 U.S. Residents Provides Insight on Recycling Decisions

The Foodservice Packaging Institute released a summary of findings from its Resident Messaging Survey, sharing information related to resident assumptions on recyclability, awareness of what items can be recycled, and top sources of recycling instructions. The survey focused on recycling messaging related to items such as plastic cups and containers, paper cups and pizza boxes. Survey respondents indicated that the type of material plays a greater role than the form, such as a cup or box, in the decision to recycle an item. 

During this webinar we will learn about the findings from the resident surveys, share best practices and tools, and hear real-world examples of resident messaging. Read the full summary and register for the upcoming free webinar Insights into Effective Resident Education being held on December 5th.

Panel Includes:

  • Natha Dempsey, FPI (moderator)
  • Catherine Goodall, RRS - survey results
  • Maggie Orozco, RRS - messaging best practices
  • Denise Plemmons, Athens-Clark County (GA) - community examples of resident education
  • Robert Pickens, American Waste Control (OK) - MRF/hauler examples of community and resident education
  • Brianna Langley, Waste Connections (IL) - MRF/hauler examples of community and resident education

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections