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What’s the Fuss about CRT Glass?

What’s the Fuss about CRT Glass?  Webinar

January 12, 2016, 2 p.m. Eastern

You may have read and heard stories in the past several months about stockpiles of CRT glass and abandonment of the material by recyclers.  But, what’s going on and why?  And, what should you be thinking about when you send your electronics for recycling?

A distinguished panel of experts will explain what’s going on and why, and address the important topic of “what can we do”.

Panelists will include:

  • Eric Harris, Associate Counsel/Director of Government & International Affairs, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), will speak to the international dynamics of CRT markets.
  • Jason Linnell, Executive Director, National Center for Electronics Recycling & co-program manager of the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse, will speak about the challenges facing recyclers in the U.S.
  • Jim Levine, CEO, Regency Technologies, will inform us from the perspective of a recycler dealing with CRT glass on a daily basis.

The moderator will be Lynn Rubinstein, Executive Director of the Northeast Recycling Council, and co-program manager of the Electronics Recycling Coordination Clearinghouse and the State Electronics Challenge, as well as a Board member of SERI.

Join us for the unique and important webinar.  Registration is now open.


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