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Webinar: From Waste Management to Clean Materials

The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure (CSI) is releasing a new report From Waste Management to Clean Materials. The webinar (a presentation and conversation) will take place Thursday, June 18th from Noon-1PM, it’s free but registration required.


CSI’s new report offers a blueprint for transforming the Pacific Northwest’s broken waste system into a world-class model that delivers widespread economic, health and environmental benefits. The report details a clear pathway that can create tens of thousands of clean materials jobs across the region by 2040, along with drastic improvements for the health and well-being of people and the planet.



  • The Conversation will be moderated by Nan McKay, CSI's Board President and a long-time leader in Washington’s environmental, municipal and foundation communities. 
  • Speakers include:
  • Rhys Roth, Executive Director, The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure
  • David Allaway, Senior Policy Analyst at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's Materials Management Program
  • Alando Simpson, CEO, City of Roses Disposal & Recycling
  • Juan Carlos Gonzales, Councilor, Oregon Metro 


The executive summary and report will be available for download immediately following the webinar.   CSI has developed the 5 Big Goals for 2040 series of reports to comprehensively detail a 20-year vision and pathway for transforming the PNW's infrastructure. The first report addressed Sustainable Infrastructure broadly, the second report focused on Energy, the third Water and now we are addressing the topic of Waste and materials management. The Center for Sustainable Infrastructure (CSI) is the premier Pacific Northwest-based nonprofit focused on helping catalyze transformational systemic change across the PNW by sharing state-of-the-art solutions to tap into and better leverage the billions of dollars spent each year on infrastructure.  


Free: registration required


Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections