WEBINAR: Recycled Content Mandates: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly
Recycled content mandates are growing in popularity as a policy mechanism to engage producers in responsibility for recycling markets, sharing in the costs of a functioning recycling system, and reducing climate change impacts. But not all recycled content mandates are the same, and some have the potential for unintended consequences.
This webinar will take a closer look at:
- The state of California’s experience with several, very different recycled content mandates
- Whether or how mandates might support, or conflict with, broader extended producer responsibility policies
- Potential economic and environmental limitations of recycled content mandates, and some possible solutions
- Mark Murray, Executive Director, Californians Against Waste
- Steve Alexander, President and CEO, Association of Plastics Recyclers
- David Allaway, Senior Policy Analyst, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
- Terri Goldberg, Executive Director, NEWMOA
- Lynn Rubinstein, Executive Director, NERC
This webinar is co-sponsored by Northeast Recycling Council (NERC), the Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA), and the West Coast Forum on Climate and Materials Management.
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