Webinar: Oregon's Wasted Food Strategy: Highlights of current work, recent research and next steps
The U.S. EPA estimates that more food reaches landfills and incinerators than any other single material in our everyday trash, constituting 22 percent of discarded municipal solid waste. This webinar will provide an overview of Oregon’s progress in implementing its Strategic Plan for Preventing the Wasting of Food. Participants in this webinar will learn about:
- Oregon’s recently completed research documenting the amount of food waste generated by Oregon households and the reasons Oregonians waste food; case studies looking at best practices for reducing food waste in commercial food service; and the results of a life-cycle assessment of food rescue methods specific to Oregon.
- Oregon’s efforts to reduce food waste, including activities funded through Oregon’s Materials Management grant program; the Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) partnership with the Oregon Restaurant and Lodging Association; and the development of a West Coast initiative to engage grocers in a voluntary agreement to work together to develop industry-wide approaches to reduce wasted food.
- Oregon’s next steps, including new research to develop values-based messaging and an associated campaign targeting Oregon residents and new policy direction based on the work accomplished thus far.
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