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Webinar: APR Resources to Support Domestic Plastic Recycling Markets

The Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers' primary goal is to increase the amount of material available for recycling. We work to provide tools to increase public and industry awareness of plastics recycling, expand opportunities to recycle plastics, and reduce contamination. This webinar will detail a variety of resources available to the industry, state and local recycling officials, as well as the general public to support the expansion of domestic plastic recycling markets and generate more supply . Resources include a new and improved Plastic Recycling Market Information and Services Directory, Model Bale Specifications, FAQs, Sorting for Value, as well as an outline of Plastics Recycling Outreach and Commodity Terms.

Cost: FREE

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

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Waste Connections

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