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Smart Cities Webinar Series from the Green Electronics Council - Webinar #2

Piercing the Hype of Smart Cities

Have you heard the hype about “smart cities” and secretly wondered what makes them smart? Thought about whether the proliferation of technology to make a city smart is also sustainable? Realized that a city focused on smart technology might become one not focused on its people?  Are you worried that just because your town isn’t a big city that all the benefits of smart city may pass you by?  And would that be a bad thing?
Join the Green Electronics Council (GEC) as we explore the hidden impacts, opportunities and challenges associated with smart cities and the technologies that make them possible.  This free five-part webinar series takes an uncompromising look at whether a city can be smart, sustainable, and resilient; if in the rush to be smart, cities are ignoring the potential consequences of the proliferation of technology; how cities of any size can ensure that their vulnerable populations do not get left behind in the smart city revolution; what are the necessary human components that make a smart city prosper; and concludes with identifying leaders who are making the “smart cities” we want to live in.  If you are interested in what’s beyond the smart city hype, register today! 
View detailed descriptions for each webinar here.

Webinar 2: Is Technology Eroding the Sustainability of Smart Cities?
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 8:00am Pacific
Register at:  

Webinar 3: Addressing Inequality: How to ensure everyone gets to live in a Smart City
Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 8:00am Pacific
Register at:  
Webinar 4: The Importance of Putting People First in Smart City Projects
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 8:00am Pacific
Register at:  

Webinar 5: Inspiring the Future of Smart Cities: 2019 GEC Catalyst Award Winners
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at TBD
Register at
The 2019 GEC Catalyst Awards winners will be recognized at the Ecocity World Summit 2019 being held in Vancouver, British Columbia, on October 7-11, 2019.

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

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Waste Connections