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Preventing Food Waste Upstream: A Source Reduction Approach Part III

March 14, 2019 from 1:30 - 2:45 pm ET

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The top tier of EPA's Food Recovery Hierarchy is source reduction: reduce the volume of surplus food generated.  Businesses and organizations can learn to effectively prevent wasted food by taking source reduction steps such as inventorying supplies, changing meal prep and buying less. Preventing wasted food provides the greatest potential for cost savings and resource conservation relative to the other Food Recovery Hierarchy activities.

Because source reduction can be challenging to understand, quantify and implement, in this webinar (the third in a series) you'll learn about the definition of source reduction and examples of award-winning cases at a restaurant, state park and county correctional facility that prevent wasted food at the source.


Kelsey Davis, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (Food Recovery Challenge Endorser awardee)
Kelsey Davis is an Environmental Scientist with the Office of Policy and Sustainable Practices, where her primary focus is co-managing the Go Green With Us program in Tennessee State Parks. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Economics from the University of Memphis and a Master's in Sustainability from David Lipscomb University. She also holds her LEED Green Associate credential.

Scott Ferguson, The Forge at Montgomery Bell State Park (Food Recovery Challenge awardee in Source Reduction)
Mr. Ferguson has served as a Park Ranger with Tennessee State Parks since 2005. He holds a B.A. from Lincoln Memorial University and graduated from the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy in 2006.

J. Cody Lillstrom, Boulder County Resource Conservation Division Boulder County Jail (Food Recovery Challenge regional awardee)
Mr. Lillstrom is the Zero Waste Program Manager for Boulder County's Resource Conservation Department where he has served since 2016. He was an AmericaCorps*VISTA Member, Leader and Program Manager in Montana. Cody earned a Master's degree in Environmental Policy from the University of Colorado in Denver.

Timothy Oliveira, Boulder County Jail and Boulder County Sheriff's Office (Food Recovery Challenge regional awardee)
Mr. Oliveira has been with Boulder County's Sheriff's Office for 18 years. He is the Support Services Commander at the Boulder County Jail where he oversees the Food Services Unit and the jail's Alternative Sentencing Program, which includes oversight of the one-acre on-site garden.

Andre Villasenor, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9
Andre Villasenor is the Sustainable Management of Food Coordinator in EPA's Southern California. Field Office. Andre began his career at EPA in 2005, following his service in the U.S. Peace Corps in Ecuador. He holds an M.S. from State University of New York and an M.A. from Syracuse University.

Additional Resources

View the first part of the series here:

View the second part of the series here:

Learn about the Food Recovery Hierarchy here:


Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections