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The Nuts & Bolts to Starting a Glass Recycling Program in a Rural Area

The webinar will feature two rural regional areas in Maine that each decided to begin a new glass collection program. Michael Berry, Board Member & Treasurer, Unity Area Recycling Center and John Sutherland, Administrator, North Aroostook Solid Waste Association (NASWA) will share their experiences with starting and running their transfer station’s glass recycling programs, strategies used to develop their programs, methods used for gaining the interest of their residents to participate in the glass recycling programs, identifying staffing and equipment requirements, applying for state grant funds to support their program needs, identifying end markets, details considered for making the decision to crush the containers into a sand-like material or to market the glass as whole containers, and planning for the future to grow their programs.


Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor