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Metro Public Forum: Let's Talk Trash

On December 5th you're invited to participate in a public forum to discuss Metro's draft 2030 Regional Waste Plan. You'll have the opportunity to review the plan, hear about the development and adoption process, ask questions and provide feedback. The forum will be held at Metro's offices on NE Grand Ave from 3pm to 6pm. 

Metro says: "Every day, residents and businesses of greater Portland throw stuff away. Metro manages the system that handles and transports all that stuff – some 2.4 million tons every year of garbage, food scraps, yard trimmings, recycling, and hazardous waste – to their final destinations. Over the last 18 months, Metro has worked with communities around the region to shape the future of the garbage and recycling system with the development of the 2030 Regional Waste Plan." 

The plan addresses issues including:

  • How our garbage and recycling system impacts the environment, both locally and globally, and throughout the life of the products we make, use and throw away
  • How it impacts human health, including chemicals in products that pose a danger
  • How its inequitable distribution of services, benefits and impacts harm communities of color and others in our region.

If you are interested but cannot attend the forum you can read the draft plan and submit comments via Metro's website, the deadline to provide comments is Dec 21st. 

Read the draft 2030 Regional Waste Plan here: 

See forum details and RSVP here:

Metro Offices

Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections