DEQ Climate Protection Program: Equity Advisory Committee Meeting
DEQ is announcing the second meeting of the Equity Advisory Committee for the Climate Protection Program. The committee will meet virtually via zoom on February 9, from 10-12pm PT. The public will be able to attend and watch the meeting.
The Equity Advisory Committee is a key partner for the program’s community climate investments, which will help Oregon transition away from fossil fuels to cleaner forms of energy. The committee plays an important role in determining what types of emissions reduction projects are supported by community climate investments (CCIs) and where those projects would be located. CCIs are prioritized for projects that generate benefits for environmental justice communities: communities overburdened by pollution, disproportionally impacted by climate change, traditionally marginalized, and with less access to cleaner fuels.
Committee Meeting Details
- February 9, 2023, 10:00-12:00 PM PT
- Join Zoom meeting
- Meeting ID: 828 5492 1485
- Join by phone:+1 253 215 8782 and follow the prompts
Please visit the Equity Advisory Committee page for meeting details and meetings materials, as they become available. Materials from previous committee meetings are also available here. The public is invited to attend and listen.
The Climate Protection Program sets a declining limit, or cap, on greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels used throughout Oregon, including diesel, gasoline, natural gas, and propane. The cap applies to transportation, residential, commercial, and industrial settings. The program, along with other state initiatives, will reduce emissions 50% by 2035 and 90% by 2050.
Under the program, DEQ issues compliance instruments. One compliance instrument allows a company to emit one metric ton of greenhouse gases. The number of compliance instruments issued by DEQ declines each year as the emissions cap is reduced. Companies regulated under the program can also choose to use a limited number of community climate investment credits in place of reducing their emissions. Companies can choose to earn these credits by contributing funds to DEQ approved entities. Those entities then invest these community climate investments in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon’s communities.
Additional Information
More information on the Climate Protection Program and community climate investments is available on the CPP website. Please sign up to receive program updates, or contact us at