APR Webinars - Certification & Demand Champion Program
Get Certified! An Overview of APR’s PCR Certification Program, May 6, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM eastern
To support and grow the use of postconsumer recycled plastics, APR understands that it is essential that PCR certification be reliable, consistent, and accessible by both producers and users of recycled plastic resins.
The APR Postconsumer Resin (PCR) Certification Program is a process to endorse companies that provide third-party certification of PCR and promote APR member companies that receive certification.
This webinar will provide an overview of the program and the certification process, as well as the processes involved in the development of certified PCR.
- Liz Bedard, Director of APR's Rigid Plastics Recycling Programs
- Bill Hoffman, Senior Scientist at UL Verification Services
- Roxanne Spiekerman, Executive Vice President & General Manager, Roplast Industry