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AOR Webinar: Cleanup Connections

AOR is hosting a webinar and summer event that kicks off on June 15th with a panel discussion "Cleanup Connections".  We'll be featuring presenters from Solve, Surfrider, Adopt a Block and the City of Portland to discuss how to best use litter cleanup activities to motivate and create change and ways to continue litter cleanups even without a supporting organization.

The purpose of the AOR Cleanup Connections Event is to help expand the pool of people interested in and places where litter cleanups occur around the state. You don’t really know how fun, impactful and feel-good a litter cleanup can be until you do one. Cleanups are also excellent gateways to deeper community involvement and environmental action. Our hope is that through this event we can help engage influential movers and shakers in the Oregon Materials Management industry in litter cleanups. Through this experience these movers and shakers can then help grow and expand access and participation in cleanups around Oregon. Oh, and in the end we’ll pick up a bunch of litter and have some fun too!

We'll be promoting Cleanup activities throughout the summer  and will have PRIZES for those who collect the most material, who participates in the most cleanup activities, and who finds the strangest item during their cleanup. Stay tuned for more information about this summer long event, but register today for the kick-off webinar on June 15th to learn more!


Event Type

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2024 Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Waste Connections

Scholarship Sponsor