
What’s the Fuss about CRT Glass?

What’s the Fuss about CRT Glass?  Webinar

January 12, 2016, 2 p.m. Eastern

You may have read and heard stories in the past several months about stockpiles of CRT glass and abandonment of the material by recyclers.  But, what’s going on and why?  And, what should you be thinking about when you send your electronics for recycling?

A distinguished panel of experts will explain what’s going on and why, and address the important topic of “what can we do”.

Panelists will include:

Learning From Experience to Reboot Collection Programs

Collection systems are not forever. Recycling and organics recovery efforts have to stay current with industry trends and the needs of the campus. This webinar from the College & University Recycling Coalition (CURC) will highlight examples of universities that have revamped or in some cases started from scratch to remodel collection programs to improve recovery going forward.

Webinar: Let’s WRAP: Best Practices to Boost Plastic Film Recycling in Your Community

We’re all aware of the challenges when it comes to recycling plastic bags and film through curbside collection. Now there’s a growing national movement to boost film recycling by helping communities better educate the public on the appropriate ways to recycle this material, and it’s having an impact. It’s called the Wrap Recycling Acton Program, or WRAP.

Webinar: Implementing SB 245, SB 263, and Materials Management in Oregon

At this webinar, DEQ will:

  • Provide summaries of the final versions of SB 245 and SB 263.
  • Introduce plans for implementing SB 245 and SB 263, and the next phase of the 2050 Vision and Framework for Action, including the timing of three new rulemakings, provision of grants and other new services, and new opportunities for you and others to continue to shape and participate in this work.
  • Answer questions from webinar participants.

To participate in the webinar, please use the following information:

Webinar: Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures

Through a discussion of the upcoming Characterization Report, participants in this webinar from the EPA Sustainable Materials Management Web Acedemy Webinar Series will hear about the newly expanded and improved measurement efforts by the EPA to facilitate the move toward more sustainable materials management (SMM). Previously called the MSW Characterization Report, this report provides national solid waste, recycling, generation, and disposal numbers.
