
NRC Webinar: Trash and Waste Management Around the World - What Happens at the Household Level

An expert in the field of solid waste industry economic research will discuss how people around the world manage their waste and recycled materials

Wednesday November 15, 2017/1:30 - 2:45PM EST 

Presenters: Lisa A. Skumatz, PhD, Economic Research Associates, Inc. 

Topic Subject Matter: Trash and Waste Management Around the World

Technical Complexity: Moderate

Presenter Biographies

NRC Webinar: Sustainable Materials Management at Universities

The NRC has long-supported university campus recycling, first hosting caucuses of campus program managers in 1992, and then supporting a technical council in 1995. Recently, the NRC re-established the Campus Council to meet the need for stronger linkages between higher education and the SMM industry. Degree programs, career services, applied research / technology transfer, and relationships with recycling leaders are examples of the opportunities the Campus Council develops between on-campus and off-campus groups.

Take a virtual tour of one of the most advanced C&D recycling operations in the U.S.

Cost: $79.00


Zanker Recycling began operations of the Zanker Road Landfill in 1985 with only five (5) years of landfill capacity remaining; increased its life to 26 years by focusing on and, in some cases, inventing recycling equipment and methods. As one of the most advanced C&D recycling operations in the United States, the facility is continually enhancing its operations.

Webinar participants will take a virtual tour of the recycling facilities. This includes:

WEBINAR: What Is the State of Curbside Recycling in the U.S.?

In its inaugural State of Curbside Report, The Recycling Partnership identifies key attributes of the highest-performing cities (those collecting more than 400 pounds per household, per year) for recovering recyclables curbside in the U.S. One common attribute that the cities shared was that each community had some sort of public action to support recycling.

WEBINAR: Drug Take-Back: A Tool for Rural Areas to Fight Drug Abuse and Reduce Water Impacts

Each year, over $1 billion worth of leftover drugs are thrown in the trash, flushed, or relegated to medicine cabinets. Removing unwanted prescription drugs from the home reduces their availability to addicts, children, and pets, and prevents them from being thrown in the garbage or down the drain where they enter the environment and contaminate our waterways. Drug take-back programs — collection receptacles and mail-back envelopes — provide residents with a convenient way to safely dispose of leftover medications.
