Oregon DEQ announces $13.3 million in grants for medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle charging infrastructure
“The importance of reducing emissions from the transportation sector is clear,” said Sen. Elizabeth Steiner, who represents parts of the city of Portland and Washington County. “The state’s investment in Oregon DEQ’s pilot program to fund planning and construction of new heavy-duty electric vehicle charging infrastructure is an important part of this effort. This initial list of projects will help Oregon fleets shift away from diesel and toward more sustainable fuels and better air quality.”
Cars, trucks and other parts of the transportation sector make up just over 35% of greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon.
Read entire news release online at www.ordeq.org/2023OZEFRecipients.
Media contact:
Susan C. Mills, DEQ public affairs specialist
Susan.Mills@deq.oregon.gov, 503-956-9648