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Metro Releases is 2017-18 Solid Waste Forecast

Metro has released its solid waste forecast for 2017-18 .

The forecast describes economic trends and changes in the wet waste, dry waste, and recycling landscape which will affect future waste streams. Based on these factors, it predicts how much and what types of waste our region is generating and will generate through 2023. 

The general outlook is that regional consumption, construction and demographic drivers will continue to follow upward trends, increasing waste generation across the board for the foreseeable future, with the strongest growth between now and 2018. Slower growth is predicted beyond 2018 as business cycles mature and stabilize.

Metro staff develops the Solid Waste Forecast each fall for budgeting and planning purposes. Information in the forecast is used for rate-setting, cost and revenue estimation; tonnage allocations for private transfer stations, and to evaluate policy options across Metro’s portfolio of solid waste management responsibilities.  The forecast was developed through analysis of historic trends, state-level economic indicators, and expert judgment from staff throughout Metro.

Please contact Molly Vogt or Roy Brower if you have any questions about the forecast. 

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