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Contribute to the Evolution of Municipal Measurement

Are you a municipal representative?

Do you want to help design a new data management, program assessment, and public outreach service that will be available free-of-charge to municipal solid waste and recycling program managers in 2018?

The Re-TRAC Connect team is very excited about developing the Municipal Measurement Program (MMP) in collaboration with municipalities and other stakeholders. The MMP will provide municipal staff with access to an integrated suite of tools and resources which will help them manage and improve their programs.

Read more about the MMP here.

By completing the MMP Feedback Survey, you will:

  • Have a chance to win a free attendee registration to the 2018 Resource Recycling National Conference in St. Louis, MO.
  • Ensure the MMP includes the reports that you will find most valuable.
  • Gain early access to the MMP when it is launched in 2018.

The survey is only intended for municipalities and will be open until November 30, 2017, so get your response in today! Fill out the survey now!

Thank You to Our Sustainable Oregon 2025 Sponsors

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Waste Connections