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California Lawmaker Introduces Legislation Requiring Tethered Bottle Caps

bottle capWaste Today reports: 

Assemblymember Mark Stone, a democrat representing the 29th California Assembly District, has reintroduced legislation to require plastic bottle caps to be tethered to their beverage containers. By banning bottles that don’t have attached caps, California will reduce one of the most prevalent sources of plastic litter in the state, he says.

“California has invested so much time and money in a process to make sure that plastic bottles get recycled instead of going into landfills or becoming litter. So why haven’t we changed the law to make sure that the bottle caps get recycled too? My bill finally accomplishes this goal,” Stone says.

Assembly Bill 2779 requires all single-use plastic beverage containers, such as bottled waters and sodas, to have a tethered cap by a date to be determined. Tethered caps would stay attached to the bottles, helping ensure that all of the plastic waste goes to the recycler.

The movement to tether bottle caps echoes a similar movement in the 1970s fighting for a replacement of detachable can pop-tops with attached “stay-tops.” At the time, littered pop-tops created an unsightly pollution problem that was mitigated with the required change to stay-tops.

Read more at Waste Today

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