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AOR Member Andrea Norris Receives Benton County Environmental Award

Andrea Norris and Toyota of Corvallis received the Benton County Environmental Awards at the 4th annual Environmental Issues Advisory Committee public forum on October 27, 2016 at the Corvallis Public Library.

Andrea Norris, marketing and development coordinator at Oregon State University’s campus recycling program and volunteer Co-Leader of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition's Waste Prevention Action Team, received the individual award for her efforts to move the community toward zero waste through outreach and education.

Norris has developed several efforts with profound impacts, including the Oregon State University student “green fee” to purchase renewable energy, the community volunteer Recycling Block Captains program, and staffed recycling stations at da Vinci Days and other local festivals. Through her efforts, recycling and waste reduction education and outreach have greatly expanded in Corvallis and Benton County.

Toyota of Corvallis received the Benton County Environmental Organizational Award at the annual public forum for their efforts to be more energy efficient, reduce the amount of water consumption, and improving air quality. Toyota of Corvallis has accomplished this by utilizing an onsite rain water cistern, geothermal wells, solar panels, water-saving landscape design, radiant floor system, and pavement that allows rainwater to seep through the ground free of pollution.

Toyota of Corvallis is incredibly noteworthy as they are the first car facility in the United States with a LEED Platinum certificate and designed to be net zero energy.

The Environmental Issues Advisory Committee (EIAC) advises and assists the Benton County Board of Commissioners on environmental issues and policies. Each year the EIAC requests nominations for individuals and organizations that contribute significantly to the advancement and support of the county’s environmental goals, in the areas of improved air quality, water quality, energy savings, environmental health, healthy ecosystems, natural habitats and sustainable resources.

Press Release Issued by Benton County Board of Commissioners

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