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AOR Board Approves New Legislative Committee Structure


AOR’s legislative committee provides a forum for members to discuss materials management-related legislation and provide feedback and make recommendations to the AOR Board to support, protest or remain neutral on bills introduced to the Oregon Legislature.

The Board recently completed a review of the committee’s purpose and structure to address concerns and respond to feedback provided at the annual member meeting in June. Primary areas of concern included the transparency of the committee’s and Board’s legislative decision-making processes and ensuring the committee is representative of AOR’s membership as a whole.

The Board determined that the committee should be restructured to meet the following objectives:

  • Ensure the board receives timely feedback and recommendations that are representative of member interests and inform the board’s decision making.
  • Provide clarity for committee members about expectations for their involvement and participation in the group.
  • Provide transparency to all AOR members about the board’s process for taking legislative positions as well as the rationale behind decisions.
  • Continue to provide updates to AOR members who have an interest in tracking the progress of materials management related legislation.

Revised committee structure and process

A new committee structure was adopted at the Board’s October meeting and solicitation for member participation will begin in November. The revised committee will include 11 members that represent the overall demographics of AOR’s members as follows:

  • individuals-at-large (2 members)
  • haulers (2 members)
  • government agency staff (2 members)
  • processors/recyclers (2 members)
  • consultants (1 member)
  • organizations/businesses with recycling programs (1 member)
  • nonprofit organizations (1 member)

Committee members will be expected to engage with the sector they represent to ensure that the perspectives they bring to the committee are represent the interests and views of that sector.

Committee members or the organization they represent must be AOR members in good standing to serve on the committee and may serve multiple terms. Initial terms of service will be staggered, with some members serving two-year and some serving three-year terms, to ensure that the entire committee doesn’t turn over at the same time.

The board will consider the committee’s recommendations and a vote of the Board will be used to determine AOR’s position on legislative issues and proposals. If the Board does not support the committee’s recommendation the rationale will be documented in the meeting minutes and the Legislative Chair will provide that information to committee members.

Legislative updates will be available to all AOR members with an interest in tracking the progress of materials management related legislation and will be provided through website blog posts.

Committee membership solicitation process

The Board will provide an opportunity for members to express their interest in serving on the committee on an annual basis. Solicitation for member participation will begin in November and the board will make committee appointments in early January 2018. The committee will meet in advance of the 2018 legislative session that begins in February. In future years the membership solicitation process will take place in late summer and early fall.

Applications for committee membership are due by close of business on Dec. 8, 2017. See AOR’s website for more information about the committee and details about how to apply. 


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